2023 was our first year without Custom Forms, so what has always been a well oiled machine, was a bit different to say the least. There were over 150 amazing folks at out event this year… we couldn’t do it without every smiling, sometimes sweaty face! That all being said, we surpassed out goal by five boxes in less than 3 hours! 655 boxes were sent around the world to the front lines. Reaching ships and land… and hopefully well deserved service men and woman! We are already (3 days before Christmas) receiving notes that our packages have arrived in “droves” as quoted by a service woman in Poland. We hope that we can continue to bring joy to as many service men and woman as possible during the holidays for as long as our mission is needed. Please enjoy the best article ever written about our event, by the one and only Dana Gray at the Caledonian Record. Until next year… God Bless!