On our 10th Anniversary, COVID forced us to close our event to the public. We better CELEBRATE TOGETHER in 2021 by reaching our goal of packing and shipping out over 400 care packages!
Remember it costs us $20.40 per box to ship so your donations are important!
YES our goal has gone down, our mission remains the same, but the quality of our boxes will be our focus this year.
YES, you can still HELP! We are counting on you! If you can’t make it to our event at the Elks club in St. Johnsbury on December 4th, YOU, your family, your friends, and/or co-workers can still FILL BOXES!! See donate page for more information on shipping costs, shopping list, NO SHIP list and for more details on what boxes to use.
Drop-Off of filled boxes and donated supplies will be on December 3rd at the Elks between 1-6pm.
HOW MANY CAN WE FILL!!?? Let’s show our troops we love and support them everyday, but especially when they are serving over the holidays. Thank you for your continued support.
We couldn’t continue this project without people like you!